School Board

Westmoreland County Public Schools School Board

Rebecca Minor


District 1

R Minor Headshot

Rosemary Mahan

Vice Chair

District 2

R Mahan Headshot

Amy Richards


District 3 

A Richards Headshot

Dr. Daniel Wallace


District 4

D Wallace Headshot

Ralph Fallin


Member at Large

R Fallin Headshot


2024 School Board Group Photo

SB Recognition

Student SB Member

Cople Student of the MonthMMS Student of the MonthWD STOMWHS Student of the MonthMMS Student of the MonthWD Word of the Month Winner

To request records from Westmoreland County Public Schools, direct your request to Westmoreland County Public Schools' designated Freedom of Information Act Officer (FOIA Officer) who is responsible for serving as a point of contact for members of the public who wish to request public records. The Westmoreland County Public Schools FOIA Officer is:

Connie Allen
 141 Opal Lane
Montross, VA 22520
(804) 493-8018

The School Board designates a Compliance Officer responsible for identifying, preventing and remedying discrimination as well as receiving complaints. The name and contact information for the Compliance Officer is posted on the Division’s website at all times. The Compliance Officer may be contacted at [email protected]

Compliance Officer - Carole Washington
Alternate Compliance Officer - Tara Temple

When are Meetings Held?

Meetings are held the 3rd Monday of every month unless they are re-scheduled for holidays.

Public Participation Policy (BDDH): Any citizen may address the Board at any regular meeting.

I. Persons wishing to appear before the School Board are requested to contact the superintendent, the School Board Chairman, or their designee for placement on the agenda.

II. The Chairman is responsible for the orderly conduct of the meeting and shall rule on such matters as the appropriateness of the subject being presented an length of time for such presentation.

III. No one will be allowed to make additional presentations until everyone has an opportunity to make an initial presentation.

IV. A reasonable period of time, as determined by the School Board, will be allocated at each regular meeting for citizens to present matters of concern.