Special Education

Special Education Parent/Family Liaison:  Julie Weicht, Director of Special Education

 Serving Students with Sensory Disabilities

Sole Source - Notice of Award of Contractor



The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act of 2004 (IDEA) requires that each state establish and maintain a state advisory panel (State Special Education Advisory Committee, or SSEAC) to advise state special education staff regarding the education of children with disabilities. The Virginia Board of Education appoints SSEAC members. The Commonwealth of Virginia is unique in that each of our school divisions are required by the Regulations Governing Special Education Programs for Children with Disabilities in Virginia to have a local advisory committee (local SEAC) for special education. SEAC members are appointed by local school boards to perform several important functions that are detailed in this guide. State regulations require that a majority of the committee be comprised of parents of children with disabilities or people with disabilities. They advise school boards through their school division superintendents.

Westmoreland SEAC Members

Faye Turner, Chair

Belinda Johnson, Westmoreland CSA

Jalisa Jackson, Parent

Emily Jenkins, Parent

Shanteus Hence, Parent

Julie Weicht, Director of Special Education


Meetings for 2024-2025

December 10, 2024

January 21, 2025

March 25, 2025

May 20, 2025

The VDOE is asking for your assistance in promoting the completion of the survey by each of your families who has a child with a disability and is provided special education services through an Individualized Education Program (IEP). Families who have more than one child receiving special education services should complete a survey for each of their children.

Special Education Parent Survey Links