Delegate Margaret Ransone, citizen legislator who represents the 99th District in the Virginia House of Delegates, visited the Family Life classes at Montross Middle School on November 7. A gift of welcome to both Mrs. Ransone and Mrs. Kilgore was given by MMS students Brielle Hall and Wesley Fairfax.
Students were surprised and delighted to have a special time with Mrs. Ransone.
During her visit, Delegate Ransone addressed a number of topics. A 1991 graduate of Washington & Lee High School, Mrs. Ransone talked about her days at Montross Middle School and high school and how times have changed. Segueing into a discussion on family life, she guided the students into a discussion on vaping, cigarettes, and alcohol and how these are all harmful to the body. The students told her about the long term effects of addiction and how it can affect an entire community. The well-versed students were up to date on the many nuances of abuse and addressed each of Mrs. Ransone’s inquiries.
Mrs. Ransone told the students that she had been journaling since middle school. She noted that keeping a journal has assisted her in decision making and helped to clarify ideas. To encourage students to capture their ideas, Delegate Ransone gave every student a journal and a pen. She hoped that having their own journal will start them on a writing journey of their own.
Finally, the students began a question and answer period for the Delegate. She first discussed her role as a delegate and how the process works. A student wanted to know how the submission of a bill works. Mrs. Ransone explained that over 2,000 ideas are presented every term. The majority votes on the bill, then if approved, it goes to the Senate who vote on the bill. If it is approved by both bodies of government, then it goes to the Governor for his acceptance and signature. She noted that this balance of power is followed throughout our country’s governing bodies.
Mrs. Ransone told the students that it is important to become involved in their community and school. She encouraged the students to always “do something for other people.” She did a lot of civic duty prior to running for public office. Mrs. Ransone continues to be an active Delegate and serves on three committees; Labor and Commerce, Courts of Justice, and Agriculture, Chesapeake & Natural Resources.
Mrs. Ransone was joined by Mrs. Kilgore, the executive director of the Virginia Foundation for Healthy Youth and WMLCPS Superintendent Michael Perry. Also present for the visit were Leah Segar, MMS principal, Meghan Smith, MMS assistant principal, and WMLCPS School Board members Kathy Lewis and Iris Lane.